CTY SCAT Scores – WISC better

The SCAT isn’t used for much.  I think it’s considered rather coachable.  I’ve had my children take it, and qualify for those programs, but I wouldn’t assume anyone would put a lot of weight on it other than for CTY.  It is a single data point.

 For GT identification in school, a more acceptable and usual alternative to the group testing (CoGAT and NNAT) is individual cognitive/psychological testing (e.g., the WISC) which can be obtained through the George Mason graduate psych department.

 At http://cty.jhu.edu/ts/docs/2008SCATScoreInterp26.pdf, JHU states “The SCAT is not an intelligence test. Scores from the SCAT cannot, and should not, be compared to a child’s scores on either a group or individually administered I.Q. test.   The SCAT is not an achievement test. Scores from the SCAT should not be compared to a child’s scores on a test of achievement or academic content knowledge” and also “A low score on the SCAT does not mean that your child is “not gifted.” Likewise, a high score on the SCAT test does not necessarily mean that your child will be identified as “gifted” by his or her school.”

This entry was posted by admin on Wednesday, March 25th, 2009 at 3:30 pm and is filed under CTY SCAT (Johns Hopkins University ), Elementary Schoolers K-2nd, GT Screening Tests, Summer Camps . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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