Archive for March, 2009

The brief history of Fairfax County Public School’s Policy toward Algebra 1 in 7th Grade

In 2001-02, FCPS required a minimum IAAT percentile score of 98%ile, plus a good score on an exceptionally difficult “Math Seven Assessment” test.  That was the first year of a FCPS 3-year extreme anti-acceleration regime.  In 2004-05, the pendulum started to swing, the required IAAT score dropped to 95%ile and the killer MSA was replaced […]

Virginia State Science Olympiad for Grade 3 – 5

Virginia State Science Olympiad Here’s an announcement about an April 1st informational meeting on the new Division A (Elementary School) Science Olympiad program for third through fifth grade students.  Dear Parent or Teacher.   You are invited to attend the 2009 Division A Science Olympiad informational and training program on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 […]

CTY SCAT Scores – WISC better

The SCAT isn’t used for much.  I think it’s considered rather coachable.  I’ve had my children take it, and qualify for those programs, but I wouldn’t assume anyone would put a lot of weight on it other than for CTY.  It is a single data point.  For GT identification in school, a more acceptable and […]

Riverside GT Center – some basic info

Back in 2002-03, GTAC members received a document showing 19 students admitted to the GT Center program from the six Cluster IV elementary schools that would feed into Riverside:  Fort Belvoir (3); Mt. Vernon Woods (3); Riverside (3); Washington Mill (6); Woodlawn (2); and Woodley Hills (2).  GTAC members also received information about the number […]

GT Centers compared to Local Level IV services

Advantages of local – 1) Obviously, if your child has good non-GT friends in the local school it’s easier to maintain those friendships. They will see each other at recess, on the bus, etc. 2) It’s very likely that a high percentage of the other Level IV GT kids from your elementary school will stay […]

the link to IAAT publisher’s website

Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test

“To take Algebra 1 in 7th grade, a FCPS sixth grade student must first take the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) in sixth grade, and do well enough so that FCPS is willing to let them take the 8th grade Math SOL test.“

In FCPS, seventh grade students normally take one of three math courses: Algebra 1, Honors Math 7, or Math 7.

In FCPS, seventh grade students normally take one of three math courses:  Algebra 1, Honors Math 7, or Math 7. To take Algebra 1 in 7th grade, a FCPS sixth grade student must first take the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) in sixth grade, and do well enough so that FCPS is willing to let […]

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